SWWA Connectivity

List of Reports

This site contains results from barometric geolocator data of Swainson’s Warblers (Limnothlypis swainsonii). This project involves a collaboration of researchers across the southeastern United States to assess migratory connectivity across breeding populations and characterize their wintering distribution, migratory paths, phenology, and migratory behavior. Barometric geolocators (BARP50Z11-7-DIP, Migrate Technology) were deployed on territorial males in the spring / summer of 2021, and recovered in 2022. Tag data was analyzed implementing the GeoPressureR package, which uses weather reanalysis data (ERA5) to match spatio-temporal patterns of atmospheric pressure across the deployment period, as well as altitudinal ranges and a movement model derived from well-defined migratory periods. Our analysis provides accurate and continuous locations throughout each bird’s annual cycle, as well as novel flight data.

Swainson’s Warbler with geolocator (Phil Stouffer)

Each page allows you to explore individual tag data, which can be navigated by breeding region in the top menu bar. For each tag you can find interactive Leaflets and ggplots of the likely and simulated migratory paths, marginal probability heat maps, altitude plots, wind assistance maps, flight histograms, and estimate error histograms. This code workflow and reports are based on the GeoPressureTemplate.

Tag Data

Show code
# List all the html file found on in the reports/html folder
f <- list.files(path = ".", patter = "*.html", recursive = TRUE)

f_dirname <- lapply(f, dirname)
f_basename <- lapply(f, basename)

for (i_f_dir in unique(f_dirname)) {
  cat(paste("## ", tools::toTitleCase(stringr::str_replace_all(i_f_dir, "_", " "))))
  for (i_f in seq_len(length(f))) {
    if (f_dirname[[i_f]] == i_f_dir) {
      cat(paste("* <a href='", f[[i_f]], "'>", sub("\\.html$", "", f_basename[[i_f]]), "</a>"), sep = "\n")

Basic Trajectory


Garrett Rhyne (Louisiana State University, School of Renewable Natural Resources)
Philip Stouffer (Louisiana State University, School of Renewable Natural Resources)
Lesley Bulluck (Virginia Commonwealth University, Center for Environmental Studies)
Ashley Peele (Virginia Tech, Conservation Management Institute)
Than Boves (Arkansas State University, College of Biological Sciences)
David Buehler (University of Tennessee Knoxville, School of Natural Resources)
Dawson Rader (University of Tennessee Knoxville, School of Natural Resources)
Jennifer Tyrrell (Adudubon South Carolina)
Matthew Johnson (Audubon South Carolina)
Raphaël Nussbaumer (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)